Hey y'all! Hope you had a great August! I'm personally SOOOO ready for the fall, so I am welcoming September (although it's not going to cool off in Middle TN until at least October, but oh well...). Call me a Basic White Girl, but I love fall, because it's the promise of so many things for me, energy-wise. I'm taking my test for my new job's license today, so wish me luck and good energy! Ack!
If you can tell by this book cover that premiered on my blog about a month ago, my friend Elisa Dane has a new book coming out in her Fighting Chance series, Beneath the Void, and TODAY'S THE DAY! I got the opportunity to read an advanced copy and this my review beneath the link below. There's also a cool excerpt and a giveaway! I hope you all enjoy!
Sadie Reynolds is drowning.
Months have passed since Ian Daniels and Newton Daily opened fire at Atwood High school, killing dozens of students before turning the guns on themselves.
Determined to pay tribute to her fallen classmates and teachers, Sadie’s thrown herself into the memorial project at the newly rebuilt school. But it’s not enough. Horrific dreams of the shooting intertwined with memories of the night her mother was murdered keep her up at night and haunt her during the day.
The constant stream of hate raining down on her from faceless social media trolls only make matters worse. Her boyfriend, Hayden brings the only source of relief when he sneaks in to sleep next to her on nights her dad is at work.
Desperate for normalcy, Sadie fills every waking moment of her day with anything to take her mind off her pain. If she’s exhausted, she’ll be too tired to acknowledge the new threat gunning for her.
BENEATH the VOID is book 2 in Elisa Dane's Fighting Chance series, a hard-hitting and unapologetically raw look at teen violence in schools and the aftermath of learning to pick up the pieces and heal.
My Review:
I went into BENEATH THE VOID expecting Sadie to be just recovering from the terror of the last novel, but instead, the novel opens with Sadie working a shift at Moe's Diner. The girl has gone out and gotten a job to fill her time, and she's a busy girl. She's taken on so many responsibilities to keep herself from remembering the horrors of that horrible day when Ian and Newton tore up the school with gunfire.
Sadie's so busy trying to occupy her time, she doesn't see the true story of all that's going on, and she can't see the truth, either.
I loved this book and how the issues confronted in it were so true-to-life. The bullying that Sadie watched and contributed to by silence is now being turned on her, in a heart-breaking manner. And then, it goes even further when one of her cyber-bullies starts taking things too far, outside Twitter and social media.
The way Dane confronted things like PTSD, eating disorders, and bullying was very accurate. I suggest the book on this alone (no spoilers, though!). It'll make you think: can a tiger change it's stripes? Good question to ask.
A great read, and I can't wait for the next!
Sadie's so busy trying to occupy her time, she doesn't see the true story of all that's going on, and she can't see the truth, either.
I loved this book and how the issues confronted in it were so true-to-life. The bullying that Sadie watched and contributed to by silence is now being turned on her, in a heart-breaking manner. And then, it goes even further when one of her cyber-bullies starts taking things too far, outside Twitter and social media.
The way Dane confronted things like PTSD, eating disorders, and bullying was very accurate. I suggest the book on this alone (no spoilers, though!). It'll make you think: can a tiger change it's stripes? Good question to ask.
A great read, and I can't wait for the next!
I’m sorry.” Hayden’s tone changed from irritation, to one of disbelief. “Did I hear you correctly? You’re with Britt?”
I quietly stepped out of the bathroom as Britt dove toward the toilet again. She was probably too busy emptying her stomach to realize we were talking about her, but I didn’t want to take any chances. The girl had a knack for acquiring information, and knowing just about everything about everyone. I didn’t want to give her any fuel to possibly use against me in the off chance this nice new personality of hers was an act.
The cool tile flooring felt nice against my bare feet as I padded my way down the small hallway toward the kitchen. I needed something to wash away the awful taste in my mouth.
“Yes. You heard me just fine. I stayed at Britt’s last night.”
There was a short pause, during which I heard Hayden suck in a deep breath. “Can I ask why? You hate her as much as I do. She’s been a total bitch to you for the past three years.”
“I don’t know,” I said as I rifled through the cupboards, finally coming across one that held a bunch of glasses. I plucked one down and made my way to the nearby sink. “I think maybe she’s different now. The shooting … it changed her. It changed all of us. She’s having nightmares. Like me. I thought maybe I could help.” Myself. I selfishly thought I could help myself. Nothing I’d done last night was for anyone but me. Why was I lying to Hayden? What kind of person had I become?
The tap water didn’t do much to rid my mouth of the awful vomit taste that lingered, but the cool water felt good against my throat. I drank the entire glass, then filled it up again.
Hayden hummed out a long sigh. “I don’t know, Ginger. People are who they are, regardless of what happens to them. It’s cool that you wanted to help her, but I wouldn’t trust that she’s magically become a new and better person. I’d keep my guard up if I were you.”
Author Bio:

Buy it on Amazon: http://amzn.to/2aPdoWA
Win a $10 Amazon gift card and an eBook copy of BENEATH THE VOID.
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